6 Books to Read With Your Kids About Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

My older twins (age 6) are at an age where they are interested in reading everything. I mean, they literally read everything! Since last year, I’ve taken it as an opportunity to use books to teach them about current events and special holidays. Martin Luther King Jr. day is coming up next week, so I took the opportunity to purchase a few books about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. so my children can learn more about him and understand the impact he made on our lives. Here are 6 books about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that my kids love. I believe your kids will love them too!

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I Am Brave


I love this book for my children because…

…this book encourages young children to dream big and to fight for what is right using their words and their minds. Each page gives small words of encouragement for your child to believe in the impossible followed by a small fact about how Martin Luther King, Jr. did this in his life. It is an easy book that children can read on their own. My kids reads this book on their own as well as to their younger siblings.

Favorite quote is:

Be brave, my littler dreamer. We need you more than ever. The very best dream of all is the one we dream together.

Martin Luther King, Jr.


I love this book for my children because…

…this book goes above and beyond what their school will ever do when it comes to understanding Martin Luther King, Jr. and black history while still keeping the topic at a level that is easy for a child to understand. Nothing was sugarcoated. Segregation was explained. The protests that went on were explained. It was clear what life was like for an African American back in the 1930’s to the 1960’s. Big words, such as “assassinate” or “injustice” was explained. My children are just 6 years old so some topics were a bit advanced for them, but I enjoyed the conversation starters that came out from this book.

Favorite quote is:

Always feel that you count. Always feel that you have worth...

Martin’s Big Words


I love this book for my children because…

…this book explains the story of Black America and the impact Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had on his people. This book speaks on segregation and the unfair laws that existed back then. It also explains how Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s methods of using his words, showing love and persevering impacted so many to believe and follow. The book is written in a way where the children enjoy reading this book with me. They especially love the illustrations in this book.

Favorite quote is:

Remember, if I am stopped, this movement will not be stopped, because God is with this movement.”

As Good As Anybody


I love this book for my children because…

…this book uses storytelling to tell the story of how Martin Luther King, Jr. (a black man) and Abraham Joshua Heschel (a Jew) were able to come together for the greater good of all people. It shows my children how good people come in all shapes and colors. This book is a bit difficult for my kids to read on their own, so this is one book we enjoy reading together.

Favorite quote is:

The way things are, is not the way they always have to be. In the next world, people of all colors will live together and respect each other.

Be a King


I love this book for my children because…

…each page gives a specific example on how they can be a king (or queen) today, right now. The examples they give are in situations that are revelant to their age, such as saying sorry to someone they’ve hurt, or sticking up for a friend against a bully. This is a great conversation starter for your children to go through different scenarios that they may soon experience and prepare them on what actions they should take and how they should respond. It’s a simple read so the twins enjoy reading this book on their own. There are a few words in the book that may be a little bit difficult to explain to a 6 year old (such a bigotry). Overall, the children really enjoy this book.

Favorite quote is:

You can be a King. Make the world take notice. Do your very best at whatever you do.

I Have a Dream


I love this book for my children because…

…first of all, the paintings in this book is just beautiful! Kadir Nelson did an amazing job on this! Each page of this book shows a piece of the “I Have A Dream” speech followed by an illustration that so eloquently depicts the portion of that speech. This is a fun book to read with my children and explaining to them how Martin Luther King, Jr. actually spoke these words to thousands of people long ago.

Favorite quote is:

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

What are some other books you recommend the twins read to learn more about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.?

Until next time,

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