Three Must Have Dress Styles for Work

One thing everyone should know about me is I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON. I don’t like to wake up early. I am never in the mood to speak to anyone until I have my first cup of coffee of the day. If I lived in a perfect world, I’d start my day by noon everyday. Unfortunately I don’t live in a perfect world. I have to wake up and be ready for my day every morning.

One thing I do to ensure my lack of morning energy does not get in the way of my day is to ensure I have work outfits that make me feel good without having to put too much energy into the thought process of my outfit. That’s where work dresses come in. The fact that it is just one piece of clothing make it by far the easiest thing to wear for work!

The following are three types of work dresses I wear to work on rotation for days I just to have the time or energy to think about my work outfit.

The Pencil dress

The Bodycon Dress

The Flowy Dress

What are some easy work outfits you put together for yourself?

Until next time,


Photo credit: Blip

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