What Busy Moms (and Wifeys) Really Want for Valentine's Day

How nice it would be to celebrate Valentine’s Day the way hubby and I use to celebrate it when we were just dating. It would be so wonderful to go out to a really nice and expensive steak restaurant where I would order anything and everything my heart desired. After, we would find ourselves at a bar nearby and have a few drinks together. Then when we finally get back to our place, well… use your imagination! Haha!

Unfortunately, times have changed. I’m no longer in my twenties where I can afford an expensive dinner. Yes, I make much more money now but I also have way more bills. Do the math. And after four kids, it’s not possible for me to eat everything I want without dealing with the repercussions of it. For some odd reason, Valentine’s Day always seems to land itself on a weekday so having the time and energy to go out just doesn’t always happen.

Don’t get me wrong. A night out with hubby would be wonderful but here are five alternatives to making a busy mom feel loved for Valentines Day.


A Baby Sitter for the Weekend

No one, especially us busy moms want to go out and have a wonderful time celebrating Valentine’s Day just to come home to craziness. It’s just evil to have a good time and then all of a sudden, you have children all in your face. A babysitter for the entire weekend would allow you to have a great time as well as be rested enough and ready for when the craziness (AKA your children) return home. Can’t afford a baby sitter for the entire weekend? Ask a friend or a family member (or several in my case) to watch your kids for the weekend.

An Overnight Staycation

A surprise overnight stay at somewhere really nice yet still close to home is wonderful. Sometimes getting out of the house and away from your usual stressful environment is all you need to destress and enjoy some intimate time with hubby.


A Full Body Massage for Two

Working day in and day out, waking up super early every morning, and handling the normal stresses that come with adulthood is more than enough reasons to desperately need a quiet hour or two to have a trained stranger massage your entire body. Hubby has treated me a few times to a full body massage and it is heaven! Looking for something more cost efficient? Have hubby give you the full body massage!

A Candlelit Bubble Bath

Another way to relax is to have hubby start up a nice hot bubble bath for you after all the kids have gone to bed. Add some chocolate dipped strawberries, your favorite bottle of wine, candles lit all over your bathroom and Alexa playing your slow jams playlist from Spotify… bam! You got yourself the ultimate Valentines date night!

A Surprise Day Off From Work

Like I mentioned earlier, Valentines Day almost always lands on a weekday. This is the perfect opportunity to tell your friend who tells your other friend who now tells your hubby the idea of arranging your day off work with your supervisor. You know its coming so you already cleared your work schedule for that day. Bam! You got yourself a free day to spend with hubby while the kids are in school and hubby is thinking he just pulled off the ultimate surprise!

So what do you think? Do you plan to hint these ideas to your husband, baby daddy, boyfriend, cuddle buddy or whoever your significant other is? Just forward this post over to him. He’ll get the message!


Until next time,



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