Introducing My Children to God

One of the biggest challenges I face as a parent is figuring out how to best introduce my children to God and get them started on developing a relationship with Him. Growing up, my understanding of being a Christian was to follow my parents to church every Sunday. That’s it. As I got older, my understanding of being a Christian transitioned more towards having a personal relationship with God in my own way. Now, I am in no way perfect on my journey and I don’t have the answers on how to develop the perfect relationship with God. I do however, have a desire to get my kids excited and interested in knowing who God is and what He can do for us in our lives.


The following are three things my husband and I do to introduce our children to God.

Bible Study

Every night, before the older twins go to bed, we spend 10-15 minutes reading one bible story from a children’s bible called, The Beginners Bible. This bible consists of over 90 bible stories written in a version that children are able to understand. Before each new story, I ask the children probing questions about the previous nights story. I do the same after we read a new story. This has helped them to understand the context of the stories we read and remember specific people in the bible such as Abraham or Jacob.



After reading a bible story, we have a short Praise and Worship and prayer session. This started when the older twins were just one year old. I use to sing “Jesus Loves Me” and pray over them saying the same prayer every night. One night, Adaeze randomly joined me in the singing and praying. Soon after, Arinze joined me. We’ve continued singing the same songs and prayer ever since. Now that they are older, I want them to understand the power talking to God. After singing, we take turns saying our personal prayer to God. I cherish hearing my 5 year olds pray to God on their own.



We try to take our children to church every Sunday. Ever since the younger twins have been around, it has definitely been a challenge to be consistent in this alley. Even though the children hardly pay attention and they also make it difficult for my husband and I to pay attention ourselves, there is a great value in making Sunday mornings be for church service. Based on our track record, we have not yet instilled this type of discipline in our children. But this is definitely a major goal for our family.


As mentioned earlier, I am by no means far along in my journey on having a sound relationship with Christ. But working on introducing my children to God has definitely helped me in my own journey. What are some ways you have introduced your children to God?

Until next time,


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