Bath Time

Before I go right into our bath time routine, I need to let you guys know something. I. Am. Always. Tired. I wake up at 4 am every morning and don't get home until about 6pm; and that's when the real work starts.  From that time, I get busy forcing my kids to eat, cleaning the kitchen, chasing my kids around the house, completing my list of daily house chores, completing school work, chasing my kids a little more, getting hubby's dinner ready, working on the blog, prepping for the next day, and chasing my kids again all the way to their room to go to bed.  Yeah, my weeks are pretty crazy.  

As much as I would love to have a nanny again to help me with all the things I have to do after work, I love this part of the day.  Every moment of my evening is a reminder of my blessing of being a wifey, a mommy, a dreamer, and an achiever.

Alright, let's get into it! Another part of my evenings is bath time with the twins.  This time spent with the twins is always a hilarious, chaotic and loving time together.  There are three essential aspects of our bath time:



Baby Dove bath products is the answer to my kids dry skin prayer! When Arinze and Adaeze were infants, I tried so many baby bath products requiring me to mix lotions and baby oils together in order to keep their skin from becoming dry throughout the day.  This can be pricey! With Baby Dove soap and lotion (specifically rich moisture), I don't need to add any additional oils in order to stay moisturized.  The baby Dove lotion is creamy and leaves my kids skin silky smooth and full of moisture all day long. 




My daughter's hair has been an utter and complete struggle! For a while, I tried different natural hair protective styles which involved a lot of tension and pulling of her hair.  It wasn't until I cut her hair off (Yes, cut it all off!!) that I discovered what her hair issue was: she needed to more hair moisture retention zero tension and hair pulling.  The Shea Moisture Moisture Retention Shampoo and Conditioner has done wonders to her hair!  Although still short, it has grown noticeably thicker and fuller (thank the hair gods!!).

The Cantu Argan Oil Leave-in Conditioning Repair Creme is soooooo creamy.  It makes her hair so incrediably soft.  I use this product for myself as well.




Although my busy schedule sometimes make me feel like a zombie during bath time, these two snap me right out of it and give me this newfound energy to make bath time, play time for them and family time for us. 


Until next time,


Photo credits: Onye

Our bath time products: Bar soap - Dove / Lotion - Dove / Leave-in Conditioner - Cantu / Shampoo - Shea Moisture / Conditioner - Shea Moisture

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