Rooftop Relaxation

So l've been blogging for the past month and a half and I have to say, I'm addicted! I find myself spending hours and hours on end (hours that I don't have, by the way) on working and improving on my blog skills; and it gives me more encouragement and energy with all the likes and comments I've received on social media and in person.  Please, send me your feedback! Tell me how I'm doing? Do you love it or hate it? What am I missing or what do I need to stop doing?  I want to improve and provide content you all will love.

Okay, so last weekend I spent the day in Long Beach for my sisters birthday.  We started off the day with a Saturday afternoon brunch.  After, we visited my cousin who recently moved to the most "swaggerful" apartment/ bachelors pad I've ever been in.  His building has a private gym with a sauna, a yoga/ dance room, a game room and movie area with reclining movie theater seats , and a pool.  My most favorite part of his apartment is (drum roll please...) the roof top!!  His rooftop consists of lounge chairs with huge umbrellas to block the sun, outdoor fireplaces, and a couple of BBQ grills.  On the rooftop, it literally looked like the setting of a Las Vegas pool party.  All that was missing were the bikini's and margaritas... Hehe.

You know I had to take advantage of the amazing scenery of downtown Long beach from his rooftop and capture that day with amazing pictures.  Ice cube couldn't have said it better when he said "Today was a good day."

I hope you all have a good night! Kisses!

What I'm Wearing: Grey co-ord sweater and lounge pants - Zara / Sandals - Old Navy / Black Watch - Ann Klein