Work Event: Black History Awareness Celebration

I guess I should start by telling you all, my husband and I work for the same company.  Yes, it can be awkward and a little much at times, but it has it's advantages (like never having to drive through crazy 405 fwy traffic or never having to drive to work... ever).  The best part of working with my husband is being able to participate in different network activities together.

 Earlier this week, we were the MC's for our company's annual Black History Awareness Celebration.  The theme for this year was "Carnivals in the African Diaspora."  We were especially excited because this theme could help inform others on the African culture.  My husband is always ready to school Americans on African culture.

Because this was a work event, I can't post many of the pictures.  I thought however, I'd share with you all the importance of expressing your culture and background to others whenever given the opportunity to.  Not only do people get to know more about you, but it can contribute to creating enjoyable and productive working relationships at work.  I received plenty of positive feedback and even got my company manager to get up and dance some African moves!  Enjoy!

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